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Our legendary Airsoft-team „The Overlords“ was foundet in fall 2004 and consists of a core group of 11 active members until today. Incomparable solidarity, team spirit and BBs running through our veins represent just a few characteristics that predistine us for marching off, to experience new adventures, discover foreign playing fields and make new friends.

Our roots lay in the section of CQB, but we also feel comfortable in densely wooded regions as well as steppe-like areas. The main tasks of our team on major events is operating in special-, interrupting- and reconaissance missions. The glorious existance of our unique team is not influenced by political motivation or paramilitary intentions at all.

Review: HOLOSUN DRS-NV (Fr, 19 Jul 2024)
Capabilites The red dot and secondary NV optic are independent of one another, so during the day you…
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The G&G ESG B-10 (Fri, 26 Apr 2024)
We are going to do a quick review on the new semi-automatic shotgun from G&G, the Evolution ShotGun…
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How to prepare for 24hr milsim event (Mon, 15 Apr 2024)
Lets start with the basics: gear.Usually 24hr events involve a separate place or off zone for camping/place to…
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Is Airsoft LARPing? (Tue, 25 Oct 2022)
In this #AskAirsoftology we discuss a few topics, but most notably so, is airsoft LARPing? And if not, what makes it different? Video of the week: KaslabAirsoft – Nastiest GUN ever made? (3720Є MTW Setup) Longest Kill Feed I ever HAD – Want to be updated, or know when Airsoftology is live on YouTube […]
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